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Ephraim Kirby Award

A singular, annual award made each Capitular Year from a collective pool of candidates, who have served as a state Grand presiding officer, individually nominated by each Grand Chapter jurisdiction, in recognition of continuing, outstanding service to the Craft.

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An annual Grand Chapter award to recognize the leadership, commitment, and resolve of companions that dedicate their time to ensure the bond of their word; that establish all their actions and deeds as honorable; and demonstrate unyielding faithfulness to the tenets of Royal Arch Masonry.

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Distinguished Service Medal in Bronze

A General Grand Chapter award bestowed on a triennium basis for each Royal Arch Region and four "at-large" recipients for continuous service, comprehensive initiative, and faithful dedication to the improvement of Royal Arch Masonry that reflects the highest traditions of this ancient and noble craft.

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Distinguished Service Medal in Silver
Distinguished Service Medal in Gold

A General Grand Chapter honor bestowed at the direction of the General Grand High Priest to one or more Royal Arch Masons for outstanding, demonstrative service in public service; the arts and sciences; and/or business achievement to the substantial benefit of Capitular Masonry.

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Ritual Jewel

Requirements are based on a cumulative point system in presentation of various roles within the Capitular Degrees that exhibit labored excellence in the quarries of our Craft can only be achieved through habituation of training, study and discipline.

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Veteran's Service Medal

Any companion or brother mason, in good standing, who currently serves in an active or reserve unit; or has honorably served in an armed force, foreign or domestic, is eligible to wear the Veteran's Service Medal.

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Sweetheart Award

The General Grand Chapter "Sweetheart Award" is available to all Royal Arch Masons as a way to show appreciation for the support and encouragement their Ladies provide to our Craft throughout the years of a Companion's service to Capitular Masonry.

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